There's this moment in a multiplayer game where you know things are about to go from bad to worse. If you've ever been a moderator, admin, or owner/operator, you sometimes develop a sixth sense for it, So it long enough, and as you get older and the years turn into decades - you remove yourself from those roles and attempt to enjoy the game as a player. get that feeling, make a face, and mutter a prayer to the gaming gods that the miscommunication or conflict in personaities clears itself up quick. That the people sitting behind their mobile devices and screens are mature enough to reign it in and let reason breathe before their Inner Child blows.
I hate the online world sometimes. Anonymity behind a screen lends itself to behaviours people wouldn't commit to in their real life situations (or you hope not, whole other post there). You can be fugly behind your screen and feel secure that there will be no consquences. This may be true in some cases, but in the long wrong, opinions will be formed by those who witness these moments, and those who practice civility and understanding will move on and shelve certain players into certain categories. The same way they do in life.
I walk away from multiplayer games a lot, what starts out as playground fun, sooner or later playground bullies appear. People stop being nice and inrepairable things are lobbed like dodge balls at suspecting and unsupsecting heads. What starts between an audience of two, effectively turns contagion and by proxy a large amount of peope become infected - think zombie apocalypse.
Too bad this wasn't a kindergarten playground, children around the age of 5 might get angry, but typically don't hold grudges...and once an apology is issued, they're just happy to go back to playing and being friends - bygones.
The online universe is big, so clashes will happen. Some personalities, like in real life, aren't going to mix. Communication will be muddled because words on a screen hold neither tone nor visual - emojii and smiley icons don't count (I often issue the wrongs ones). This means, talking things out is key and understanding the best place to do it. Don't bring private matters to a public room. They start in one area, finish them there with the people involved. Inflammatory speech helps nobody. Too angry? Take a moment, step away from the keys, and come back when you feel less volatile. Save yourself, the people you are engaged in conversation with, and possible strangers uncomfortable and awkward moments.
Your actions online or off are a direct reflection and representation of you. When the person you're having an issue with says their sorry, more than once, accept it and let it go. Not a person who can let things go? Then start now or for goodness sakes, don't play a multiplayer game where people are going to step on toes about 75% of the time. It's a game, it's supposed to be fun - remember fun? If you forget, then hang with some kindergartners they're experts in fun.
So yes, trying day in the world of the online gaming verse. So trying, I have decided that when I see possible acts of idiocy about to occur, I'm just going to walk on whatever I'm doing and exit stage left. I am too old for this kind of playground bull$shit. Miscommunications will happen, talk it out, and when the miscommunication is discovered, and the other party makes an apology (not once, but three times) shakes hands and move on. You don't have to like each other at the end of the day, in life we are forced to work with people we'd rather elbow off a cliff to collect a paycheck, but you learn to make it work, you use self-control and utilize maturity.
And...If turns into a game of disorganized Dodge Ball or at worse a violent game of Red Rover where people are sent hurtling at breaks neck speeds at lines of resistance where they're damn near decapitated by locked arms. For the rest of us, we'll just shake our heads, mutters something about idiocy of youngsters and head to the cafeteria to see what's for lunch and hope Martha or Joe has saved us a place at the Pinnacle Table, where we're secretly going to do a few hands of strip poker before the oderlies catch us and send us back to our rooms without dessert.
Life is too short people. Kingdoms at War is a game. It's supposed to be an escape from the everyday drudgery that sometimes becomes our the heck out of me why people insist on turning it into a Cave of Bitches. If I were the Wvyvern on that EB I'd bail...kinda of like I'm doing now...this situation in this clan chat is going to go from bad to worse - I can feel it in my right shoulder and wrist and I'm too old to play this kind of Dodge Ball or Red Rover.
- Take 2 and Call Me In The Morning