I like indestructible things.
So, for a long while now, I've had this item in the back of my head. While it's been available to order over the phone and online, I've avoided making the purchase. I figured; give it long enough and it'd wind up on the shelves at a local retailer. And...it did. While running amuck in Bed Bath & Beyond I found a number of them hanging out at the end of an aisle. For $9.99 if it did as it claimed, I'd have years and years of use, far longer than any other wallet I've owned.
Half way home I decided to inspect the days purchases. When I got to the Aluma Wallet and managed to get into their (what felt like) indestructible packaging, I found nothing but disappointment. Here's what I discovered:
- Without any use, the back of the wallet had already sustained a charming dent. So much for the car running over it in the commercial.
- The color finish was easily scratched and looked as though it could be prone to chip. So, if you're going to purchase one, skip over the colored variety and go straight for the silver.
- Once in hand, it was terribly tiny. Small enough that there was no way it was going to hold nearly the amount the commercial seemed to boast. Not only that, but it wasn't terribly friendly to the cards I carry with me. So much so that it appeared the cards would need to be cut down for them to fit properly and allow the wallet to close.
- And then there was the clasp. The sad, flimsy plastic clasp. I mean seriously? If you tout that your product is indestructible and yadda-yadda, you'd better pick materials that are going to do just that. This had to be the ultimate disappointment. While they professed the wallet to be waterproof, I know just from playing with the clasp alone that I'd not trust the Aluma Wallet to be submerged or run under water for any length of time.
Durable and indestructible? No, I'm afraid the Aluma Wallet is not. In fact, I'm not sure it could handle being placed in a back pocket and its owner having a sit on it. So, buyers beware, if you're looking for a tough as nails wallet, this is not the wallet for you. I think it'd be more appropriate as a child's dress-up accessory, though I'd wager down the road it'd be held together by a rubber band or stylish ribbon.
Needles to say, this purchase was returned and a replacement refused.