A little over a week ago a friend of mine Tweeted a link that took me to a site called Pinterest. After poking around on there I realized it was a must have for my online adventures. In my younger years I used to be formidabble blogger, back when my life conisisted of being a student worker and college student. These days...while I still have plenty of things that go on in my head...I don't always make it to the computer to put it down. Or...I make it to the computer and fall asleep. Oh...adulthood...wheee!
While I still love create, create, create...sometimes I need a place to house ideas and notions. Also a place to just amuse myself when insomnia hits and I'm not coherent enough to form sentences or create. Pinterest has become what my art teachers in high school would call inspiration books. A place to house things that inspire you or something you want to use as a reference for a piece of art.
I keep notebooks around my computer along with sticky notes...but I've found that they often become lost or chewed on by cats. Izzy and Roz are attracted to creative energy so I suppose I'm not surprised that they enjoy eating my creative notes. They have discerning tastes...as to-do lists and appointment lists are never eaten...maybe just swept under furniture.
Jolie and I, my creative partner in crime, have also discovered this works well as great creative tool for our collaborations we do together. If you're the creative type and organize things, thoughts in a similar fashion this might be the site for you. If you happen by and join, look me up - Muse on Pinterest - love to follow along on your boards.
Happy Pinning,