Sometimes, my morning drive to the office looks like the photo I snapped above. Soup thick fog has always sent my imagination into overdrive. I imagine movement. I see things that aren't there. Ghostly shapes, willowy figures. The worst feeling being when something does actually materialize from the fog and you:
a) curse
b) swerve
c) scream
d) spill a hot beverage on delicate bits
e) or a power combonation of the above
However, thanks to a movie fest had last summer with the always fabulous Cavatica where he introduced me to The Mist. My foggy morning drives have not been the same. Given the things that crept and flew out of the mists in that can imagine how I'd much rather see a few gorillas instead.
So, what kinds of games does the fog play in your head? Do you see movement? Ghostly shapes? Creatures large, small...gorillas?
When all is said and done, lets all just be happy that it's safe to assume we won't be running into the thing sighted below. If we did...then I'm going to have to come up with an f) for the above multiple choice question. Something that involves a change of clothing in some delicate regions.
- Fog Freakin'