...too bad though, I'm no Drew Barrymore and I can't start fires with my mind. Although, in giving that a good hard thought, it'd probably be a lot safer if I could.
So, over the weekend the family and I celebrated my cousin's birthday and they took us to this swank little tool store in the next city over. A tool store that had some pretty sweet deals. It's one of those places where you do a lot of 'oooohing' and 'aaaaaahing' because the price alone will do that, but one if you wander the store long enough with said item in hand - you can talk yourself out of (maybe).
J and I had a lot of stuff we walked around the store with and the bulk of it we did put back. We try really hard to nix impulse buys because it can easily turn into a: Where'd all our money go? Scenario, which is not fun. However, the pencil torch made it out of the store.
It's small. It's compact. It's re-usable. And I'm sure J and I can use it for 1001 purposes it was never intended to be used for (let's hope we only attempt 5 off that list). What I charmingly said with a smile and a batting of lashes was: Oh, I can make Crème brûlée now, see.
Yeah...sure I can, but will I at home? Probably not.
It's not that it won't be used, because I'm sure it will, but not for any of the aforementioned kitchen appointments we had laid out for it. Though, we may surprise ourselves. What we're hoping DOESN'T happen is that I wind up setting something I shouldn't on fire. I have a penchant for using flames in projects and past entanglements have been near misses.
I will say I come by it naturally. My Dad had a not too distant experience with his outdoor grill. The proof is in his eyebrows - the parts of them that still haven't grown back well (if at all). Here's hoping that once we take it out of the package and begin to use it...that all of our eyebrows stay intact...among other things.
So here's to safety with fire...after all Smokey says only you can prevent forest fires...or fires in general. Ya get my drift, right?
- Sinjin Muse
[The above photo is part of the Self-portrait Project 365: #1]