..but if you were expecting an exalting 300 reference...you're about to be sorely disappointed. I popped this photo before getting into the checkout line, proof of the pink and red tide that had flooded the front of Walmart. As I commented on foursquare: It's like cupid threw up in the checkout aisles. Wow.
Despite the magical Monday has yet to clot the calendar, employees were already in the throes of tearing down the Valentine’s Day candy aisle in the grocery section. I’m guessing (or at least hoping) they were relocating it to join the rest of the Love-a-palooza fest happening at the front of the store.
There were flowers by the dozens, frosted cookies, heart shaped cakes, Mylar balloons professing various Valentine’s Day phrases or cutesie-wootsies to delight the girlie or boyish at heart. There’s plushies, clothing in various shades of love, unmentionables, and booze in case your Valentine needs some heart valve lubrication. There’s something for everybody…Valentines, like many other holidays has been commercially covered.
If the store was as busy as it was on Saturday, I can only imagine what it may become as Monday quickly approaches. The kind of busy I’m sure that St. Valentine never intended unless you’re more of an Al Capone fan and think of Valentine’s Day as a 1929 version. Which…one very well might…if they leave their Hearts Day Shopping to the last minute in hopes of cashing in on bargains.
Oh Valentine’s Day…when did you get so complex?
What happened to picked flowers (or filched) flowers, handmade cards, dinner, or a movie?
I’ve also heard that saying 3 special words is a crowd pleasing delight…and no, it’s not: Get in bed.
However you see fit to spend your Hearts Day, be safe and tread lightly if you dare to meander into any Valen-crazed stores - it really is a massacre in there.
- I survived the Valentine's Day Aisle and all I got was this photo